Helpful for: MBA Applicants

Read Time:  9 minutes Quick Facts:

  • There are some similarities between the IR section and the Quantitative and Verbal. First, once your answer is submitted you cannot go back to the question. Also, all three sections are timed, with only 30 minutes to complete the entire IR section. Finally, all threes sections will present some experimental questions which won’t count towards your score—unfortunately, there’s no way to know which ones those will be.
  • Learn the four IR question types and approach them separately, with equal effort when studying. They are: multi-source reasoning (MSR), table analysis (TA), graphics interpretation (GI), two-part analysis (2PA) Which question type do you struggle with the most? Let us know in our forum, and we will gladly offer some assistance!
  • During the exam, in the IR section there will be 12 screens, each screen presenting 2-3 questions. In addition, there are no partial marks given when scoring the IR section. Magoosh adds:

Selected Quote:

Those two facts, combined, have some powerful strategic implications for time-management.  Suppose an IR question has multiple parts—for example, a MSR or TA section posing a Multiple Dichotomous Choice Question—this format presents two possible choices (“true”/”false”, “company gains money”/”company loses money”, etc.), and makes three statements: you have to decide the right choice for each statement.  Because there’s no partial credit on the IR, you would have to choose the correct option for all three of those statements in order to get any credit for this question…You randomly guessed on the first two, which means your chances of getting any credit for the question have already dropped to 25%.  If you can’t answer the third statement quickly, it’s best to cut your losses, guess and get out of that question, so you have more time to devote to later questions.

Useful Information:

  • The IR section not only requires mathematical ability but critical thinking and executive function. “Executive function” is a term from neurobiology which refers to high order brain processes which control our behavior. The ability to plan, focus, and take time to critically assess all options are skills which are crucial to succeed when answering questions in the IR section of the GMAT.

Check Out: GMAT Tutorials: Integrated Reasoning Part I (Video)

Source: Magoosh