This is the last of five articles on how to begin your MBA application process. The articles were written by Brian Fobi, CEO of Gurufi, and they present the author's personal and professional experience on the topic.

If you’ve followed this series, you have a clear sense of what you aspire to do, who you are as an applicant, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and which schools are on your preliminary list. Assuming that you want to apply in R1 (early September through October), here is a breakdown of how you can approach 4-6 months of lead time between now and then. This breakdown assumes that you want to apply to six MBA programs. This lays out a structured approach and timeline to manage the application components, including the GMAT, personal statements, letters of recommendation, and balancing work commitments.

May: Laying the groundwork

  • GMAT preparation: Begin your GMAT study if you haven’t already. Of all the aspects of the application, this has the most variability. Some applicants will spend an entire year preparing for the GMAT, especially if they don’t have a quantitative background, are not native English speakers, or otherwise don’t feel confident in their ability to take the test. Other people need much less preparation. For the typical applicant, they should allocate at least 1-2 hours daily for study, focusing on areas that need the most improvement. Consider enrolling in a prep course if you require structured guidance.
  • School research: Finalize your list of six MBA programs. Deep dive into each program’s culture, curriculum, and what they value in candidates. This research will inform your essays and interviews.
  • Networking: Start connecting with alumni and current students from your target schools. These insights can provide valuable context for your applications and help you determine fit. As you speak with people from potential schools, don’t be afraid to modify your list or informally re-rank where you see them in your personal hierarchy. View the admissions process as dynamic and two-way, in which you care a great deal about what you learn along the way from the various schools and their representatives.

June: Advancing your preparation

  • GMAT examination: Aim to take the GMAT by the end of June. This timing allows for a retake if necessary and ensures your scores are ready for Round 1 applications.
  • Draft personal statements: Start drafting your personal statements, tailoring each one to reflect how your background, goals, and values align with each program. Highlight unique aspects of your experience and how you will contribute to the MBA community. If writing personal statements is something you think you might struggle with, contact somebody like me who specializes in helping people build compelling personal statements.

July: Refining and requesting

  • Letters of recommendation (LoRs): Reach out to potential recommenders by early July. Choose individuals who know you well and can speak to your professional achievements and leadership potential. Provide them with your resume, personal statement drafts, and specific points you’d like them to emphasize.
  • Essay refinement: Continue refining your essays. Seek feedback from mentors or peers to ensure your narratives are compelling and clear. But, be thoughtful about who you ask for feedback, and remember at all times that the essay is ultimately yours, so don’t ever feel compelled to make changes that other people suggest.

August: Finalizing and reviewing

  • Application review: Begin finalizing your applications, ensuring all components are polished and cohesive. Double-check all requirements for each program to avoid last-minute surprises.
  • Mock interviews: Start preparing for interviews by conducting mock sessions. Use common MBA interview questions and feedback from your networking to simulate realistic scenarios.

September: Submission and follow-up

  • Application submission: Aim to submit your applications at least one week before the deadlines. This buffer allows for any technical issues or last-minute revisions.
  • Thank recommenders: Send a thank-you note to your recommenders, updating them on your submission and expressing your appreciation for their support. A hand-written note is always better than an email, so do that if you can.

Balancing work and applications

  • Time management: Create a weekly schedule allocating specific times for GMAT study, essay writing, and other application tasks. Use early mornings or evenings after work and dedicate portions of your weekend. Getting up extra early can feel painful, but starting your day off with test prep (1) gets it out of the way, and (2) ensures that no matter what happens at work or in your life, studying for the GMAT will still get done.
  • Vacation days: Consider taking a few days off work before application deadlines for final reviews and to ensure everything is in order.
  • Stress management: Applying to MBA programs while working full-time can be stressful. Regular exercise, hobbies, and social activities can help maintain balance.

Tips for a successful Round 1 application

  • Start early: The earlier you begin, the more time you have to reflect, revise, and refine your application components.
  • Be authentic: Authenticity resonates. Ensure your essays and interviews reflect your true self and aspirations.
  • Seek feedback: Don’t hesitate to seek feedback on your essays and interview techniques from trusted colleagues, friends, or mentors.
  • Stay organized: Keep meticulous records of deadlines, requirements, and submission confirmations for each program.
  • Maintain perspective: While getting into a top MBA program is an admirable goal, remember it’s one step in your broader career journey. Stay motivated but keep perspective.

Applying to MBA programs takes a lot of work, but if you’re thoughtful about it and follow the tips in these five articles, you will be well-positioned to craft a compelling, authentic application that puts you in the best possible position to earn admission to your dream school.

Good luck!

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.