member rewards

PrepAdviser’s Member Rewards Zone is a social rewards programme where you earn credits, badges and prizes while learning about your MBA or Master's application. We encourage you to like, share, and participate in our forum discussions, webinars, and other online activities. After every accomplished mission, you will receive credits and recognition for your contribution to the community.

We now give you the opportunity to have fun and enrich yourself while researching, preparing and applying to the desired business school or scholarship programme.

You can win some of the following rewards:


All you need to do is join here and select a mission to start your journey at PrepAdviser’ Member Rewards Zone.

You can see all missions here.

*Each winner in the lottery is entitled to just one prize.The lottery will be conducted twice per year and PrepAdviser members will be informed about it via email and/or a personal message on

The lottery draw and the announcement of the winners will be video-recorded and published on The winner will be notified personally via email.

Once winners have claimed their prize, they can start gaining new credits (starting from zero). The users still keeps their badges.

Participation in the lottery is limited to three times.