Many postgraduate applicants are confident about their achievements and work experience. However, when it comes to test-taking they clam up and feel anxious about performing well and achieving the score needed for admission to their dream school.
Check out: Choosing the Most Effective GMAT/GRE Preparation
In this video, Chandra explains that she constantly puts her whole heart into preparing for a skiing race, and she approached preparing for the GMAT in the same way. The strategy which helped her succeed is a concept from performance sports psychology. She explains:
The key is visualisation. If you think about it, some people have the knowledge – they know the answers, but on test day they really struggle. It’s similar in sports; some people are superstars at training and struggle on race day. Visualisation is a great way to tackle that.
Here are three ways to initiate this trick:
- Your mind cannot tell the difference between reality and the vividly imagined – use that to your advantage!
- The best time to visualise is in the early morning so your brain is set for the day ahead.
- Multiply any obstacle by 10. Chandra shares her experience:
For example, in a skiing race I was really worried on my race day that 10 centimetres of snow would fall, so I vividly imagined myself racing on Olympic day, racing with hundreds of centimetres of snow and overcoming that obstacle. On my GMAT test, there was a chance I would get really bogged down on the math section, and none of my calculations would match the five possibilities. I saw myself overcoming this obstacle, refocusing, moving on to the next question and staying positive.
Watch the video and good luck with your GMAT preparation!