The type of preparation depends on your learning style, budget, time-frame and the available study options. The most effective approach is a combination of guided preparation and self-study. GMAT is a challenging test and most test-takers are busy professionals already. There are many aspects which can help you ensure effective GMAT prep?

PrepAdviser experts suggest that you check out the advice provided by GMAT Tutor on how avoid GMAT prep burn-out.

In gearing up to start your GMAT prep, you might have already taken a practice test to gauge where you are and developed a study plan around your strengths and weaknesses. However, there’s one thing you might not have considered yet – exactly when you should start your GMAT prep.

We’ve seen a fair number of test takers get a little too far ahead of themselves, ultimately finding themselves burnt out from months and months (and in some cases, years) of GMAT prep. However, that’s not to say you shouldn’t get out in front of your prep. Most test takers will aim for around three months of prep before taking their GMAT.

Feel free to add slightly more or slightly less time to your study plan, but also consider your overall timetable for taking the GMAT as well as your timetable for applying to business schools. If you’re planning on working for a couple years before starting business school, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to start your prep right now. On the other hand, if you’re planning on applying for schools this fall, start preparing yourself to dive into a study plan sooner than later.

Like most things on the GMAT, everyone operates a little differently. Start with a three-month plan, but feel free to edit as you go and figure out what amount of prep works best for you.

Read the original article on the blog of The Economist’s GMAT Tutor

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