Myth 1: Technology will replace teachers
This is probably the most common one that we hear on a day to day basis, and it is the one that we at EduSynch believe to be the most detrimental to the progress of education technology. There is concrete evidence that shows that human contact is indeed fundamental for the intellectual, psychological, and emotional development of students. There is also evidence that shows how traditional teaching methodologies can be improved significantly by the integration of technology. The solution? The blended model. This is the model that we at EduSynch work with – don’t replace the teacher, but instead provide them with tools to better their methods and thereby better learning outcomes for their students. Blended learning is what we believe will win out as things move forward.
Myth 2: Technology will create more work for teachers
Having previously worked with educational hardware in the form of tablets designed for use within the classroom, I’ve had first hand experience with this one. Yes, there is a learning curve when integrating technology into the classroom. And yes, this requires some training for those who are not necessarily up to speed with the latest and greatest tech. That being said, if it creates more work, the product itself is at fault. Technology is supposed to facilitate our lives, not make it more complex. The solutions that are truly innovative and work as they are supposed to are intended to make educators lives easier, giving them more time to spend with their family, watching Netflix, generally chilling, etc. and less time doing mundane work like hand-grading tests with a rubric.
Myth 3: Technology will create lazy students
Sure, Wall-E did not paint the most positive picture of where technology will lead us. That being said, there is a reason my 1-year old cousin who can’t even walk is able to memorize the password for my cell phone and open up her favorite app. Technology is inherently engaging. Kids, adults, every person is drawn to it. When it comes to education technology, if the application/software is designed to engage, it will actually increase mental activity and encourage students to continuously engage and learn more. Sure, using a calculator is not necessarily as challenging as doing multiplication in your head, but the ability to do certain tasks effortlessly opens the door for students to explore more complex problems and learn problem solving in general. This is what I believe the true power of technology is.