This is the first of five articles on how to begin your MBA application process. The articles were written by Brian Fobi, CEO of Gurufi, and they present the author's personal and professional experience on the topic.

As an MBA admissions consultant, April is one of my favorite months of the year. With most deadlines past, my workload dips enough so that I can take my family on a vacation (this year, it was Disneyland!) and I also begin to hear from clients who have made decisions about their MBA destinations. Just yesterday, I got emails from two students heading to Wharton and another who’s heading to Harvard Business School after making the tough choice to turn down Stanford GSB and Stern.

When talking to clients who’ve gotten great news, I always emphasize one thing: please take a moment to celebrate with loved ones. Yes, there’s work ahead, but be sure to revel in this success, smell the roses, and show appreciation to people who’ve helped you. This got me thinking about the roles that our family, partners, and loved ones play in the admissions process. Pursuing an MBA is a monumental step, filled with challenges, learning, and immense growth. It’s a path that not only transforms your professional landscape but also has profound implications for your personal life. Therefore, the very first step before diving into applications and test preparations should be to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with your loved ones. This conversation is pivotal; it lays the foundation for the support system you’ll need as you navigate through the rigors of an MBA application.

Understanding the importance of support

Earning admission to a top MBA program often requires late nights studying for the GMAT, crafting the perfect essay, and finding ways to manage deadlines despite heavy workloads at your job. But it’s also about the intense periods of self-reflection, the financial commitment, and the inevitable stress that comes with such a significant life change. Your loved ones – be they partners, family members, or close friends – play a crucial role in this journey. Their understanding, patience, and encouragement can become your most significant source of strength.

Initiating the conversation

Starting this conversation can feel daunting. It’s essential to approach it with honesty and openness, ensuring they understand why an MBA is crucial for your career and personal development. Share your aspirations, what you hope to achieve with an MBA, and why now is the right time for you. This isn’t just about getting their approval but about seeking their support and understanding, making them a part of your journey.

When loved ones understand why you’re passionate about something, they’ll find ways to support you, encourage you, and provide you with frank feedback.

Discussing the commitments

An MBA demands more than just a financial investment. It requires time, energy, and emotional bandwidth. Discuss the potential changes in your routine, the need for quiet study hours, and the possibility of attending networking events or group meetings. It’s also important to talk about the financial aspect – whether it’s taking out loans, dipping into savings, or making lifestyle adjustments to accommodate tuition fees and other expenses.

If you’re married or in a committed relationship, talk concretely about your financial plans, both in terms of what it will look like while you’re in school and what the payoff will be afterward.

Crafting a support plan together

This conversation is also an opportunity to collectively brainstorm how your loved ones can support you. It might be as simple as understanding when you need space to study or helping with household responsibilities to free up your time. For those with children, it might involve creating a family calendar to balance study sessions with family time. It’s about finding a balance that works for everyone, ensuring that your relationships continue to thrive even as you pursue your MBA.

The power of shared goals

Involving your loved ones in your MBA journey does more than just secure their support; it turns your personal aspirations into shared goals. It creates a sense of collective achievement and excitement for what the future holds. When challenges arise, and they inevitably will, this shared commitment becomes a source of motivation and encouragement, reminding you of the reasons you embarked on this journey. Often, applicants find that the process of applying for an MBA strengthens their relationships because it allows them to see just how far their loved ones will go to support their dreams, share their sacrifice, and rejoice in their successes.

Embracing the journey as a team

Finally, remember that this conversation is just the beginning. Regular check-ins with your loved ones to share your progress, celebrate your successes, and navigate challenges together can make the MBA journey a shared adventure. It’s about growing together, learning from each other, and ultimately, emerging stronger as a unit. Talking to your loved ones about your MBA aspirations is a critical first step, one that sets the tone for your entire journey. It’s about building a support system that will stand by you through the ups and downs, share in your successes, and help you navigate challenges.

And, on a practical level, it will just make it easier for you. Especially if you’re juggling a lot of balls, having a community of helpers and motivators can make the difference between a good and a great application. By embracing this journey together, you ensure that your MBA journey is not just a personal triumph but a collective victory, enriching your relationships and paving the way for a future filled with shared success and mutual growth.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.